I wonder every single day whats my purpose in life? what was i born to achieve? There must be something that i am born to do/achieve but what?! I'm at the age whereby there are tonnes and tonnes of crossroads for me to choose. I do not want to choose the wrong one! I'm just feeling lost in life like there's nothing to look forward to in life. I have no idea whats going on around me. I don't want to keep going with the flow in life. I want to have something to aim forward to. I want to have a target to aim/achieve in life so that i have something to look forward to and work my ass of for. Bur, I'm just so so lost right now, What do i like? What talent do i have? Whats my passion? All these questions that I can't answer. I NEED ANSWERS AND LIGHT LEADING ME IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!
p/s just some late night rants and releasing some stress
Darrien's Chronicles

Monday, June 6, 2016
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Sup peeps~
Lets get straight to the point ya?Orite here's wad it is..i got this fresh in my head right nw!!
Year 2011 was by far for me the most memorable/awesome/epic and a real moment in my life..
Its like the time where i came out of my coconut shell as in my computer gaming world n stuffs lidat..
This was the year that i've met the people that have changed my life..
So yea there're like several pics of us as one 'awesome family' so to speak =)
You guys were the bros n sis i've never had(although i got a younger sis)lol..
Anyway lets face the fact..right now our bond is like breaking n we aren't so close as we were last time.
and i noe tat wad happend at 2011 will not repeat itself agn..those epic moments will juz remain in our memories.but guys i reli reli truly hope that we'll be like reunite agn like last time..i reli miss having all those epic moments with u guys..
p/s:when will we ever take like a full 'family' photo again with no one missing???
Special thanks to you guys(Lam,Nia,Jc,Kai Sheng,Ruben,Mel,and Jessie)!!
Cheers xD
Lets get straight to the point ya?Orite here's wad it is..i got this fresh in my head right nw!!
Year 2011 was by far for me the most memorable/awesome/epic and a real moment in my life..
Its like the time where i came out of my coconut shell as in my computer gaming world n stuffs lidat..
This was the year that i've met the people that have changed my life..
So yea there're like several pics of us as one 'awesome family' so to speak =)
I don really wanna be cheesy n stuffs but guys i reli reli love u guys alot..u guys like changed my life n played a big part in my life..
Those pics were like the time like you noe our moments like no one can sorta destroy it.Its like we guys against the world kinda deal haha..You guys were the bros n sis i've never had(although i got a younger sis)lol..
Anyway lets face the fact..right now our bond is like breaking n we aren't so close as we were last time.
and i noe tat wad happend at 2011 will not repeat itself agn..those epic moments will juz remain in our memories.but guys i reli reli truly hope that we'll be like reunite agn like last time..i reli miss having all those epic moments with u guys..
p/s:when will we ever take like a full 'family' photo again with no one missing???
Special thanks to you guys(Lam,Nia,Jc,Kai Sheng,Ruben,Mel,and Jessie)!!
Cheers xD
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
What If?
"What if?" is a very common word..We use it like at least once or twice daily hmmm lets say like day dreaming..We usually fantasize n think about 'what if i was rich?' or 'what if i was smart?' or maybe 'what if im more charming/good looking?'..Thinking bout this may seem harmless but waht we are really doing is like sinking our confidence in ourselves.Rather than dreaming/thinking/fantasizing about all those "what if's",we should really do smth to like achieve all those what if's.Rather than thinking bout how sucky is our lives n dreaming bout living in other ppl's lives we should really think to ourselves everyone has their own lifes own lifestyle n He has oredi set up a plan for all of us.Lets juz live our lifes by having faith n trust in Him instead of all these what if's matters.We should give ourselves hope/faith/self confidence!Dont think bout all those negativity in your life but have faith have hope because theres always a brighter tomorrow.Tomorrow is like a new start of a new day.Its like a new day of life.We shouldn't sulk in all those bad days we had..Whatever that has passed let it be pass.Lets ask ourselves this..what is life without loving it.There are so much to love in life so dont sulk yourselves with all those what if's no point doing so.The world will still be goin on with or without you.So, let faith arise in ourselves trust ourselves,trust our capabilities n most important trust Him.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Passion for Christ?
Most of the time i wonder to myself..why most of the people (christians) they have like such high/great passion for Christ that lasts for a lifetime but why dont i have it?I reli wan to have that passion for Him..tat passion to serve Him,tat passion to do/participate in watever events tat have to do with Christ n help the church maybe or even have the passion to go for missions to glorify His name to other people..The fact is i got tat passion but it will never lasts..it will only last like for 1week or so mayb 2weeks(max) and after that the passion for Christ will be like *poof* gone..forgotten..i dunno but i gotta change all these..like a wise man once said 'it takes a kid to make up a mess but it takes a man to clear it up'....all those mess tat i've done in my lifr i gotta clear it up before i can glorify Him n serve Him with all my heart or maybe feel His never ending love..as far as i know i gotta man up n when i am den my passion fot Him will burn and will not extinguished..hmmmm tis is seriously something tat u gotta put as my priority in my life..orite tats all for now xD
Sunday, July 1, 2012
My Life Saver Jesus Christ
Heyya peeps its been kinda long since i last blogged...so im back again to update my dead blog xD
Orite the story starts like this...On Wednesday 20/6/12,i was chosen to represent my house which is the yellow house for a high jump event..so yea i was thrilled n excited n nervous at the same time coz its been long since i last did a high jump..and after one whole long day of studying in school its finally time to change n go for the event..i was so pumped up..there were two representatives from each house that participated in the event..
so we jump n jump n after awhile one of my teammates failed to pass the high jump coz i tink its too high for him so its only me left from my house..I was eager to get some points for my house..So it was my turn n the height was 1.45meters den i jumped n bam i missed the mattress n fell right on the ground n i went all blur n din noe wat i was doin n cant tink right kinda thing..After that i wasn't tat sure wad happened but when i gain conscious,i was lying on a bed n there were nurses all around me n it popped into my mind tat i was in the hospital and the only thing tat i was tinking about (surprisingly) was Jesus n another thing..
After several hours after i gain my conscious,the doctor came in n ask me some questions about my name n where i stay juz to make sure i remember...n it turn out well i did remember..Then,the doctor was like 'son,u hit ur head so hard till u got a concussion and one of your nerve is swollen.' n i was shocked so i juz nodded with my blur face lol..Then the doc told me this..Your not suppose to play any contact sports for 3 months till ur nerve heals.When i heard tat i was like haiz oh man..then he said 'ur lucky u juz had a concussion n a swollen nerve if ur nt lucky u would have died or been paralyze.' once he said tat i was like fuhh thank You JESUS ..well at least im still alive..no sports for 3 months is nothing compared to life xD
so yeaa its kinda like a drama or some show thing tat happened LOL..but the most important thing is that im alive right nw to blog tis thanks to Him..If it wasn't for him i wouldn't be here..He's truly my life saver =)
Orite the story starts like this...On Wednesday 20/6/12,i was chosen to represent my house which is the yellow house for a high jump event..so yea i was thrilled n excited n nervous at the same time coz its been long since i last did a high jump..and after one whole long day of studying in school its finally time to change n go for the event..i was so pumped up..there were two representatives from each house that participated in the event..
so we jump n jump n after awhile one of my teammates failed to pass the high jump coz i tink its too high for him so its only me left from my house..I was eager to get some points for my house..So it was my turn n the height was 1.45meters den i jumped n bam i missed the mattress n fell right on the ground n i went all blur n din noe wat i was doin n cant tink right kinda thing..After that i wasn't tat sure wad happened but when i gain conscious,i was lying on a bed n there were nurses all around me n it popped into my mind tat i was in the hospital and the only thing tat i was tinking about (surprisingly) was Jesus n another thing..
After several hours after i gain my conscious,the doctor came in n ask me some questions about my name n where i stay juz to make sure i remember...n it turn out well i did remember..Then,the doctor was like 'son,u hit ur head so hard till u got a concussion and one of your nerve is swollen.' n i was shocked so i juz nodded with my blur face lol..Then the doc told me this..Your not suppose to play any contact sports for 3 months till ur nerve heals.When i heard tat i was like haiz oh man..then he said 'ur lucky u juz had a concussion n a swollen nerve if ur nt lucky u would have died or been paralyze.' once he said tat i was like fuhh thank You JESUS ..well at least im still alive..no sports for 3 months is nothing compared to life xD
so yeaa its kinda like a drama or some show thing tat happened LOL..but the most important thing is that im alive right nw to blog tis thanks to Him..If it wasn't for him i wouldn't be here..He's truly my life saver =)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Relationship Formula..
God really play a very important role in all aspects of our life..
Well so far i think im still growing in my spiritual walk with God and i do not want to stop here i want to continue to grow in Him..and eventually He will lead me to the right path that i should take in my life..
I also wanna really thank Him for giving me the urge to read the bible every night..I really wanna praise Him for doing that....Its been 3 days now since i felt the urge to read the bible..and now im reading Exodus..I don't know wad to expect from this book but i really hope and pray that God will talk to me through verses in the bible xD
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
James 1:2-5
This verse really hits me right in the face...God is giving me trials of many kinds to grow me spiritually and mentally..
After reading this verse i felt like He is talking to me..
Finally He answered my questions that i asked Him...
He has been testing my faith to Him by giving me all sorts of trials but I thought that He doesnt care bout me anymore..
I have disappointed Him and im gonna make it up to Him
Im not gonna let this stop me from advancing but its gonna be a motivation for me that i will not n never disappoint Him again!!
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